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Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Friday, January 7, 2011

Conversational Hypnosis Techniques – Using Hypnosis in Everyday Conversations

Conversational Hypnosis Techniques – Using Hypnosis in Everyday Conversations


Hypnosis is a very interesting science. People commonly ask, "is it real?" or "does it really work?" The answer is simple: yes, it does, but only when done properly. And when you are able to master it, you hold such power in your hands. With hypnosis, you can persuade people to agree with you even without their conscious knowledge.


Hypnosis is widely used by therapists in their psychological treatments. But you can also freely use hypnosis in your everyday life to improve the way things in your life go. With hypnosis, you can avoid disagreements and prevent hindrances. If you want to apply hypnosis in your everyday situations, what you need are some effective conversational hypnosis techniques.


Conversational hypnosis techniques can be used to persuade others to agree with you even without putting them in a hypnotic trance.


Here are some of these effective persuasive techniques.


1. Presuppositions. Presuppositions refer to the use of language or key terms/phrases that presuppose or already assume something that you want to happen. This means you are speaking as if you already know that the person you are talking to has already expressly agreed with you, even when this is not yet true. So instead of asking, "will you help me?", with supposition, you will instead ask, "are you still willing to help me?" Simpler presuppositions also use the word "when" instead of "if." Due to the tricky construction of the questions and sentences, people tend to get distracted from the true meaning of it, and thus become easy targets of persuasion.


2. Reciprocation. Another powerful hypnosis techniques that you can easily apply in everyday conversations is reciprocation. Reciprocation refers to the act of doing something for a person to get that person to do something similar for you. If you do it first without asking for anything in return, the person will feel more obliged to comply when you do make a request.


3. Giving Compliments. This is one of the simplest and most commonly used ways of persuading others to say "yes" to you. This simply means giving compliments to a person so he or she will be more easy to persuade. People are suckers for positive feedback, and when you say nice things about them, you can easily get on their good side. This, however, does not always work since people are so used to this technique, especially when it is used in courtship and seduction.


4. Using Scarcity as a Threat. One hypnosis technique that may come in handy during salesmanship conversations is scarcity, or threatening the other person with the idea that what you are offering is limited. This is why promotional materials usually use phrases like "good while supplies last" or offer special prices for a limited time period. This creates a sense of urgency in a person that even when he or she does not really need the object that is being sold, he or she would feel scared that they wouldn't get a better offer in case they suddenly need the said object.  


5. Confusion. Baffled and confused minds are easy prey for persuasion. For example, if you are trying to convince a person of an idea contrary to his original idea, you can ask a question that suggests your view of the matter. This way, the person will be forced to look at things from your point of view, and their minds are opened to the possibility of change. Once confused, people will be more sensitive to direct suggestions.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3 Audio Subliminal Messages
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