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Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Monday, December 27, 2010

Gain Power Over the Web with Internet Viral Marketing – How to Make Lots of Money Online


Gain Power Over the Web with Internet Viral Marketing – How to Make Lots of Money Online


Do you think only marketers, psych experts, and therapists use subliminal messages all the time? You may not know it, but if you've been involved in any viral marketing campaign, you may have experienced the effects of subliminal persuasion without knowing it.


Ever wonder why viral marketing simply works? Marketers put a single video online, sit back, and watch the general public do the work of marketing and promotion. The consumers themselves pass the videos around, post it on their own Facebook walls, tweet it to their followers, and so on. Ever wonder why you feel compelled to do that sometimes? This is a concept not very far from subliminal programming. And this concept is worth learning if you want to make money online.


How viral marketing works. Despite people's individual differences, there are many universally shared concepts, emotions, experiences, and influences. Some of these are sex, anger, violence, death, pain, beauty, and so on. These are experiences or feelings every single person on the planet can relate to. This is why most successul social media marketing paraphernalia often have something to do with any of these concepts. These concepts simply have an irresistible attraction in them. That's subliminal messaging at work.


In a nutshell, Viral marketing works because it:


·         Creates familiarity

·         Makes you feel like you belong as part of a group


And they make you feel that way through subliminal persuasion because familiarity and belongingness are part of a person's innate needs.


How to make subliminal messages more persuasive and powerful. To ensure the effectiveness of subliminal messages, using the right words is key. Now that you know which associations to create in the minds of web users, all you have to do is find the right words.


According to some people, when Facebook changed their "Become a Fan" button to "Like", they were again harnessing the power of subliminal messaging. The prompt "become a fan" gives people an option. When you read it, the conscious mind immediately filters the thought. You start thinking about whether you are really a fan of the subject of that page. The button "like" tones down the filtering process. If you "like" something, whether you're an avid fan or not, you will feel the need to click the button.


How you can use it. If you want to apply subliminal persuasion on yourself or your friends through social marketing to see if it really works, take a few lessons from Internet viral marketing. Create subliminal messages using the right words and using associations with popular universally understood concepts and see how far your Internet viral paraphernalia works.


How to make money out of it. Now that you hold the key to influencing and attracting the attention of the Internet community, the question is, what do you do with that power?


Many web site developers and designers try to use attractive graphics and flashy effects to get people to come to their page. Yet, many web sites rake in countless visitors from all over the world without even trying. If you're a webmaster trying to make money with a website, using subliminal messages can help you bring more traffic to your site. More traffic equals more profits for your site.


Use the concept of viral marketing to choose what to post on your site. Remember, anything associated to popular and controversial concepts that innately interest most people simply sells.




Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Video and Subliminal Audio Subliminal Messages.
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