Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video
Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Treat Asthma With Subliminal Messages Meditation

Treat Asthma With Subliminal Messages Meditation

There are literally millions of people who suffer from asthma. The
condition can range from something very small that a person can
basically go on with his life to severe, which can lead to death.

Fortunately, science and medicine have improved greatly. There are
already several ways on how to cope and treat asthmatic conditions.
The medications can be in the form of nebulizers or inhalers, as well
as capsules and vitamins. What you may not be aware, though, is you
can also use meditation to cope with the illness.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is described as an inflammatory disease that affects the
airways. A person with asthma will experience gasping of air,
difficulty in breathing, coughing, and wheezing. This is also a
chronic condition, which means it has the ability to reoccur a lot of
times during the sufferer's lifespan.

There are several reasons why a person can suffer from asthma. For
one, it can be genetic. So if your mom has asthma, expect that you may
develop one if not as a child then as an adult. It can also be caused
by the environment. If you live in the area where there is a lot of
smoke and pollution, there's a high possibility, you will experience
an asthma attack. Certain allergens can also trigger asthma, including
pollens and dust.

How to Deal with Asthma through Meditation

A more serious asthma can be very annoying and life threatening. It
will compel you to remain awake for most times of the night. You
cannot perform your daily activities. Otherwise, it will be more
difficult for you to breathe. You have to take certain drugs that may
have side effects such as drowsiness.

That's why any kind of coping mechanism that is a lot safer and
healthier will be more than welcome. The good thing about meditation
is it's definitely very safe and can be performed in conjunction with
your existing treatment. A lot have also discovered that their
symptoms slowly disappear or become more manageable as they perform

During meditation, you are asked to breathe deeply and slowly. When
you're asthmatic, it may take some time before you can breathe
properly. However, you can already exercise your lungs to take in more
air. Meditation has also been proven to be effective in improving your
immune system. If you have a strong body defenses, you will greatly
reduce the possibility of suffering from asthma as an allergic

Using Subliminal Messages

You can further enhance the effectiveness of meditation by adding
subliminal messages. These are usually described as hidden messages in
the form of images, sounds, and words. In this case, we are talking
about affirmations. While you're meditating, you can listen to some of
the subliminal messages such as the following:

I can beat asthma.
I can feel the air filling out my lungs.
I believe my body cells are fighting the allergens and getting rid of
the obstructions.

Just a note: since asthma can be dangerous, you need to coordinate
with your doctor at all times.

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