Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video
Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Money Mentalism III — The Spiritual Money Accelerator Subliminal Video

Money Mentalism III — The Spiritual Money Accelerator Subliminal Video

Some things are just hard to believe...

I mean, who would have ever thought...

- Man would land on the moon?
- The Internet Would Be So Big & Awesome?
- That YOU made $150,000 last month?

YOUR *Spiritual Power* is FAR more Powerful than YOU can Imagine RIGHT NOW!

No question about it!

We have reached a NEW time & place... spiritually speaking...


Do you believe it?

When you are sitting there at your desk with 15 SLEEVES OF $100 BILLS
STACKED UP from what you made last month, YOU WILL Believe It Then!!
How does THAT look? How does it feel AFTER you just bent down to smell
that STACK OF CASH and came up with a never-before-seen-smile??

You WILL Get That FEELING DEEP DOWN After You Watch This Video!

Some things are just hard to believe from the front end, but when you
look back on it... hindsight is always 20/20!

When YOU look back on THIS day, you will know that YOUR life... as
it relates to money and making more of it... took a Quantum Leap Forward

Now Released: Money Mentalism III -- The Spiritual Abundance Accelerator Subliminal Video!

This Subliminal Video contains MORE REAL STACKS OF CASH than YOU have EVER
seen in YOUR life! All-in-All... Billions!

Jamie Thomas from Houston TX had this to say:

"I tried this video BECAUSE it sounded GREAT and thought... What could it
hurt? I did "The 10-Minute Ritual" as described. Get This... My income
INCREASED TO $15,000 PER MONTH for the first time in my life WITHIN 3 DAYS!!
On the 3rd day after doing this exercise, out of no where... WHAM! I
had this intuitive thought to call on this account and... IT WAS LIKE THEY
MY COMPANY WITHIN 3 DAYS! NOW, I watch this before I even eat breakfast!!
Thank You Berry!!"

Click Here To Download Money Mentalism III -- The Spiritual Abundance Accelerator Subliminal Video Now!

Some things are just hard to believe unless you have proof... you've seen it with your own eyes and experienced it for yourself.

Here's what will happen to YOU after watching Money Mentalism III -- The Spiritual Abundance Accelerator Subliminal Video!:

- YOU CONTROL Things, Circumstances, People, Opportunities and Outcomes with YOUR mind... ONLY!
- You Constantly FEEL a NEW *Spiritual Confidence* Growing More and More Powerful Each Day!
- You're Absolutely Amazed at "How Powerful You Actually Are". This *Power* Grows Daily!!
- YOU are Constantly Attracting Opportunities and SEE THE PROOF OF YOUR POWER MORE... EVERY SINGLE DAY!
- YOU SEE PROOF that Your POWER transcends Time & Space! In other words, if you are in California and focus on SPECIFIC Things, Circumstances, People, Opportunities and Outcomes in... say... London, THAT "Thing" Will Begin to Manifest Itself Within 24 Hours! That PROOF Will Be VERY Obvious To You and WILL *Get Your Attention* Immediately!!!
- You Make $150,000 Per Month and Take Action on Your Intuition RIGHT NOW -- TODAY!!

Click Here To Download Money Mentalism III -- The Spiritual Abundance Accelerator Subliminal Video Now!

There is a problem.

We only have a limited number of these we can offer due to our licensing agreements. We have a few hundred of these now, but they will be gone in no time. If you want REAL PERSONAL PROOF, you need to act quickly and download this today!

Also, there is no risk involved because we use Clickbank for all of our payment processing and YOUR money is held in an escrow account for 60 days in case you would like a refund or exchange. You don't even need to talk to us to get a refund. Now THAT is putting your money where your mouth is... If YOU don't get results, WE don't get paid! THAT IS HOW WE DO IT! YOU WILL GET RESULTS!!!

Click Here To Download Money Mentalism III -- The Spiritual Abundance Accelerator Subliminal Video Now!

So What is This "10-Minute Ritual"?

1. Watch This video for 10 Minutes Before You Start Each Day.
2. Jot Down Any Thoughts That Come To Mind As You Are Watching It. Answer The Question, "What is the MOST Important Thing I Can Do TODAY To Make More Money?" YOU will be AMAZED How The right *Intuitive* Answers Come Immediately!
3. Take Action on Those Thoughts and You WILL BE Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams!
It is a Masterpiece That WILL Improve YOUR Life Overnight!!

Here are the Subliminal Audio & Video Commands in Money Mentalism III -- The Spiritual Abundance Accelerator Subliminal Video!:

- I am Gifted With Intense Spiritual Power!
- I Realize My Spiritual Potential More & More Every Day!
- My Spiritual Power Accelerates My Income More & More Every Day!
- My Spiritual Power Earns Me $150,000 per Month!
- My Spiritual Power Controls & Manipulates Positive Cash Flow That IS GOOD!
- My Spiritual Power Attracts Abundance To Me More & More Each Day!
- My Spiritual Power Has Given Me The POWER to Control Things With My Mind!
- My Spiritual Power CREATES GOOD THINGS For ME & Others Quickly & Immediately!
- My Spiritual Power is Positive, All-Powerful, Loving & Consistent!
- I Love Myself and My Life More and More Each Day! I FEEL GOOD!
- I Am Happy, Content, Powerful, Confident and Intensely Focused on GOOD!
- I Take Action Immediately On Things That Are Good for ME AND OTHERS!
- I Listen & Act on My Intuition To Bring ME What I Desire & Deserve Today!

Click Here To Download Money Mentalism III -- The Spiritual Abundance Accelerator Subliminal Video Now!


With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. Since there are no resale rights to Money Mentalism III -- The Spiritual Abundance Accelerator Subliminal Video!, the ONLY place you can get it is HERE on THIS email RIGHT NOW -- TODAY!


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