Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video
Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video!

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video!

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video!

Money is POWER! The more you've got, the more power YOU have…   and YOU'VE GOT A LOT!

You may be in a place where you need that *Lucky Break* or you need a certain *Deal to Go Through*. Either way, there is not a more powerful way to "Make a Breakthrough" than with Subliminal Video Messages.
Let's break this down for you…   just so YOU are clear on what you are dealing with…

A. Your conscious mind processes and absorbs 16 bits of information per second.

B. You subconscious mind processes and absorbs over 11 MILLION BITS of information per second.

I'm just going to tell it like it is…

If YOU aren't yet harnessing the power of your subliminal or subconscious mind…   doesn't it make sense that you would want to start doing that TODAY? LIKE RIGHT NOW!?

What is the best way to do this?

Aside from brain implants, there are 5 sensory inputs to your brain.

These 5 Senses Are:

1- Sight

2- Hearing

3- Smell

4- Touch

5- Taste

That makes it simple.

Those are the 5 things available to you to manipulate your brain — conscious or subconscious.

The 2 MAIN SENSES for inputting complex data, programming and solutions are:

A. What You SEE.

B. What you HEAR.

For our purposes, these are the only senses you need!

You can secure a full harness on the power of your subconscious mind with Subliminal Video Messages.
Sure, there are a LOT of great books out there to read to help you make money. But these books are "Conscious Only" inputs that process at "a snail's pace" of only 16 bits per second.

There are a lot of audio programs out there, like audio books or instructional audio training you on techniques. These are also "conscious only" inputs processing at the slow 16 bits per second.

Then there are SUPER-CHARGED Audio Systems which contain Subliminal Messages and Hypnosis that are approximately SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE than a simple instructional audio or audio book.


…   and we're just talking audio   …

When you add the Video component, which includes subliminal and hypnotic commands to it…


Let's say you compare this to a training video showing you how to make money that includes audio and video.

Side-By-Side, the effectiveness of the Audio and Video Production Which contains subconscious, subliminal, hypnotic and unconscious commands in it is…

get this…

IT IS, AT MINIMUM…   TWELVE HUNDRED TIMES AS EFFECTIVE as an audio video production that does not have Subconscious, Subliminal, Hypnotic or Unconscious commands in it.

(That is 120,000%)

Now you may be getting a glimpse of exactly what you are dealing with here.

Fortunately for everyone, TODAY we have a NEW release for YOU:

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video!

Try It!  Secure Your Copy Right Now BEFORE It's Too Late!

Click Here — Download Today:

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video

The choice for you is a simple one today!

Are you going to keep shelling out cash for books and instructional videos BEFORE you harness the Power of YOUR Subliminal, Unconscious and Subconscious Mind?


Are you going to Harness to Power of YOUR SUBLIMINAL, UNCONSCIOUS AND SUYBCONSCIOUS MIND *FIRST* and then let "it" guide you to the correct techniques, information and instruction that "it" needs to accomplish its goal…   GUARANTEED!

The choice is obvious AND guaranteed!

Try It!  Secure Your Copy Right Now BEFORE It's Too Late!

Click Here — Download Today:

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video

Here are the subliminal, hypnotic, unconscious and subconscious commands on Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video.

1- I Have $5,000,000 in Assets!
2- I Increased My Income 120,000% in 12 Months!
3- I Feel Good, Healthy, Happy & Productive!
4- I Go After the Adventure in Life!
5- I Enjoy 5 Exotic Vacations Per Year!
6- My Income KEEPS increasing AUTOMATICALLY!
7- I am Spiritually Centered, Loving, Kind and Fun To Be Around!
8- I Love helping Out Those Less Fortunate with Responsible Financial Donations!
9- I Love Myself and AM GOOD ENOUGH!
10- I Love My Life!
11- I Take Action Immediately On Positive Growth Opportunities!

Try It!  Secure Your Copy Right Now BEFORE It's Too Late!

Click Here — Download Today:

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video

Here is what Tom Peterson of Houston, TX had to say:

"I have tried subliminal messages in the past and they did not work for me.  THIS ONE DID! After 3 months of daily use of Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000%, I have acquired $1.2 million in Net Worth! Now I am LIVING MY DREAM! THANK YOU NELSON BERRY!  If you aren't yet living YOUR dream, TRY THIS! Just Do It!"

We only have a few hundred of these available due to licensing agreements and expect this one to sell out in just a few days.

You have a 60 day guarantee on your money that THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU!

Try It!  Secure Your Copy Right Now BEFORE It's Too Late!

Click Here — Download Today:

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. We have a 3rd party monitoring these downloads and once we reach our limit — it's gone!  Hurry and download today!

Try It!  Secure Your Copy Right Now BEFORE It's Too Late!

Click Here — Download Today:

Money Mentalism VI, Increase My Income 120,000% Subliminal Video


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