Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video
Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who Else Wants To Kick Ass? Read on...

Who Else Wants To Kick Ass? Read on...

Everyone WANTS to Kick Ass...   YOU DO IT!

You Pull Off Moves That Others Only Dream About! It's Your Power! It's Your Love For Your Family and Friends! It's Your Internal Fortitude That IS at a MUCH HIGHER LEVEL Than the Average Person Can Even Come close To Understanding.

If they didn't know if before, they do now...   YOU KICK ASS!

New Release: Power Mind Mastery V, The "I Kick Ass" Subliminal Video 2.0

"I didn't know I had this power inside me! I watched this video and did the written exercises every day and something changed in my belief in myself. Not something like "I Lost 10 pounds"...   I'm talking a complete transformation at the core of the deepest part of me on the inside. You want some proof? I quit smoking, quit drinking, started working out hard (to complete exhaustion), my mental faculties now operate at about 7 times (it seems) the speed of the average person. I completely changed my diet and I've never been happier with "Who I Am" and "What I Stand For". I am not being paid a dime to write this and it is completely voluntary. Some people don't have what it takes to operate at this level AND I WAS one of those people about 30 days ago! I was trained by Nelson Berry Through the Videos, Written Exercises and Repetition. If you don't want to make your life BIG and make it the way that YOU WANT IT TO BE -- then don't order this video and follow directions. If you do, like I did, then do it. I have never experienced this much power in my life! Money? I made $10,000  last week which normally takes me 3+ months!!!!"
Chari Thompson, Irvine, CA USA

I could probably stop there and say that's it, here's the order link and stop but that is NOT what's going to happen today because...   well I've been doing this for 20 years and am living my "dream life" AND YOU CAN DO THE SAME THING!

Then why do I do this you say? Because I want to help you! That's it!

Yeah, we all have had that "dark tunnel" of our lives that have to go through...    you might be stuck in it right now!? If you are or if you are not, it's ok!

When are you ready to start?

"Ready to start what?" you might ask.

The Subliminal Audio & Video Commands on The "I Kick Ass" Subliminal Video 2.0 of the Power Mind Mastery Series:

- I Am The Best!
- I Am A Multi-Millionaire!
- I Represent Honor, Power, Hope and Compassion!
- My Life is Easy!
- I Have Just Gone Through a Miracle Transformation!
- My Love Is My Honor & Respect!
- My Power Is The Demonstration Of My Love.
- My Life Is Run 100% On This Power!
- I Get What I Want Almost Every Time!
- I Do What I've Been Trained To Do!
- Now I Know What I Am Doing And Life Is Easy!

It's like "something" takes over and starts driving for you. You take your hands off the wheel, look around, take a nap, roll around and laugh at the thought of how simple and easy life actually is.


Re-read those last few a couple of times...

Are you ready?

You need to reach out and grab my hand and trust me...

I'll show you exactly how to do it in the fastest amount of time.

You will feel this in about 10 seconds.  Many are saying that the Power Mind Mastery Subliminal Video 2.0 Series is Our Best Work Yet!  We're getting tons of email thanking us for helping them and giving us spiritual blessings.

Click Here, Download & Follow Directions:

This is MAC & PC Compatible PLUS you get 24/7 streaming video so you can login from anywhere, anytime you need some "juice".

You have a 60 Day Guarantee with Clickbank (largest online retailer out there).  60 Days.

Click Here:

This type of advancement requires certain tools that they don't have at your local bookstore and requires "knowledge not taught in college".

Let's do this together...

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. We have a limited supply of these videos available due to licensing agreements we have in place with the owners of this incredible video footage.  Once we sell out, you missed your chance and there won't be anything either of us can do about it.


All instructions included!

© Copyright MMX Nelson Berry
All Rights Reserved

For faster response, contact our help desk at for all questions and support issues.

Nelson Berry
4800 Baseline Road, Ste. E104-408
Boulder, CO 80303

Friday, March 25, 2011

Power Mind Mastery IV, Be A Predator Subliminal Video 2.0

Power Mind Mastery IV, Be A Predator Subliminal Video 2.0

There are Predators and there is Prey.

There are Millionaires and Homeless People.

There is a new school of Predatory Millionaires
arising that work for "the good side". Are they
predators? Absolutely! The difference is that
they use their predatorial skills to help all people
involved.  "The capturing of prey as a means of
maintaining life".

You are a Predator! You find weakness in situations
and exchanges and capitalize and exploit the scenario
to YOUR benefit. Always!

With Power Mind Mastery IV, Be A Predator:

- You move up the food chain quickly and are "well fed".
- Your friends and family are "well kept" as you pass on
your surplus to them and others.
- You, The Predator, Spot the weakness and capitalize on
every opportunity quickly.
- You Are Very Rich and Help Others In Need!

Here's what Lex Skinner of South Miami Beach, FL USA had to say:

"I just got this program 2 months ago. At the time I was too nice
and trusting. In the past I have been taken advantage of countless
times because I was so nice and trusting. I was left with basically
nothing to show for it. It had all been taken away in one form or
another. So I got this Power Mind Mastery IV to become just the
opposite – A Predatorial Millionaire. That was 2 months ago and I
haven't looked back since. I am now a partner in a night club that
will make me a millionaire a million times over. I Am A Predatorial
Millionaire now and people can't take advantage of me anymore! I
control the action! Thank You Nelson. You Saved My Life!"

The Subliminal Commands on Power Mind Master IV, Be A Predator:

1-I Am A Millionaire!
2-I Get What I Want!
3-I Have All The Power I Want!
4-I Help People In Need And Am "Well Fed"!
5-When I'm Working, I Am THE Predator and Will Win Every Time I am Challenged!
6-I Live In My Dream Home!
7-I Have The Life of My Dreams!
8-I Enjoy and am Happy With My Life!
9-I Know What I'm Doing And I Do It Well!
10-When I See An Opening… I Pounce On It And Am Rewarded Greatly!

There is no more "Mr. Nice Guy" around here. When you are working, YOU are a
Predator – Plain and Simple. You "strategize", "hunt", "stalk" and "kill" your

If you want to be a nice guy and get trampled on and used, don't order this.

However, if you:

A. Don't know what you're doing wrong.
B. Aren't a Millionaire Yet.
C. Have a Hard Time Making Lots of Money…

…order this system, Power Mind Mastery IV, Be A Predator.

Try it out and see for yourself!

It brings you rewards and gifts whether you want it to or not.

60 Day Guarantee.

Compatible with MAC, PC and ALSO has High-Quality Streaming Video 24-7.
You can log in and use this from anywhere in the world at any time. 

All instructions are included.

Be The Predator, Not The Prey!

Click Here:

With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages

PS. We have a limited supply of this video available due to licensing
agreements we have in place with the owners of the video footage.

Order Today!

Click Here:

PPS. You may be in a battle with your conscience about being a predator.
It's all right. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you will do
your duty.

Click Here:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rise above the Fear of Doctors

Rise above the Fear of Doctors


Hundreds of people are afraid of doctors—or at least going to hospitals. Nevertheless, they still take time to have themselves checked when it's absolutely necessary. Then there are others who fear them a lot they avoid all opportunities of meeting and talking with doctors. If you belong to the latter group, then you should be worried. It simply means you're also saying no to the chance of getting treated or cured properly by a professional.


But how do you really reduce or even eliminate the fear? You may begin with the following:


1. Know the main reason for the fear. You may say, "I really don't know why I'm scared," but the truth is the real reason is just within your subconscious. Because this part of your mind is so hidden and seldom used, you really don't remember it. If not, you have chosen to conceal or keep the memory trapped in the deep recesses of your mind.


A good way to remember it is through hypnosis. In the process of hypnosis, you are placed in a very relaxed state, so you can tap into your subconscious and access the memory, usually the trauma, that causes you to fear doctors. Once the memory is tapped, you may then be asked to deal with it head on. This means you acknowledge that the trauma has happened, but you don't let it affect the way you live your life.


Usually, subliminal messages are used along with hypnosis. The affirmations can be helpful in relaxing you quickly. They can also assist in tapping your subconscious and, most of all, in influencing the way you think. Instead of allowing negative thoughts to control you, you allow positive things to fill your mind.


You can practice self-hypnosis. Subliminal messages these days can already be downloaded or purchased in their CD versions.


2. Find a doctor you know. It would help ease your fears if you choose a doctor who may also be your friend. This way, it's easy for you to condition your mind into thinking that you're just visiting a friend when you go to a health care facility.


3. Be proactive. Doctors vow to preserve your life and cure you. However, they cannot do anything without your permission. Simply put, you do have a lot of control on how you want yourself to be healed. You simply need to be proactive or be participative in the treatment process. You can even discuss with your physician your fears. He or she can do something to make you feel relaxed during check-ups or examinations.


4. Have someone with you. You can obtain some strength from friends and family members. If you feel like you're getting scared of seeing a doctor, ask someone to accompany you. Their presence may also take your mind off from your fear, as you can talk to them while waiting.


5. Try it. You'll never really know that you can conquer your fear unless you're going to give it a try. Muster a lot of strength and courage, head to a health care facility, and have yourself checked.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!




The Four Things Others Don't Tell You about Writing

The Four Things Others Don't Tell You about Writing


Surely, you've come across with a long list of do's and don'ts when it comes to writing. What you should know are the things that these so-called experts don't tell you about. These are those that don't really concern much about grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


They don't inform you that


Writing needs a huge dose of inspiration.


Inspiration plays a huge role in writing, whether you're creating a technical or a non-fictional work. Without it, you basically have no idea what you're going to write. Now a lot of people are finding it difficult to obtain inspiration when it should not be. It's everywhere. You can take hints from the things you read online and offline (provided you don't copy their ideas to a T). You can derive inspiration from experiences, whether it's your own or somebody else.


You don't have to be a writing genius.


One of the greatest things about writing is you don't have to be a graduate in English or literature (though it gives you some advantage). You also don't need to be extremely prolific in order to write. In fact, anyone can write. You can use it as your extension of self-expression. Though you still have to practice proper syntax, you simply have to learn the basics in order to start writing.


Everybody is prone to a writer's block.


Even the best writers in the world find themselves stuck at something. They don't know what else to write, or they don't know how to continue writing. This problem is often referred to as a writer's block. For someone who likes to write, it may cause some worry. You may think that you have lost your ability. You don't. You simply need to bring your attention to what you're doing.


Subliminal messages or affirmations may be of huge help. They can assist you in shifting your focus back to what you're doing: writing. They can also be useful when you need to be inspired. Some of the good affirmations are the following:


I can derive inspiration from the things that I see, feel, and hear.

I allow creativeness to flow into my mind and body.

I open my heart and mind to bright new ideas.


It may even increase your effectiveness in writing if you're going to listen to these subliminal messages while you're completing a topic.


You can also take the opportunity to relax and collect yourself. One of the reasons why you're suffering from a writer's block is because you're too pressured or stressed. It creates a lot of clutter in your mind, so there's no room for creativeness.


You have to believe what you're writing about.


It doesn't matter if you're writing about pet care or Windows servers. You need to have faith and trust into what you're talking about. Otherwise, the readers will immediately know that you're just writing by your head, and you will find it difficult to persuade them to believe you.


This is one of the reasons why you should choose topics you're passionate about. You know them by heart. 


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!



The Top Four Lessons You'll Learn from Warren Buffett

The Top Four Lessons You'll Learn from Warren Buffett


Do you want to be rich? Do you want to be the ultimate money magnet? One of the best techniques is to actually learn important things from the wealthy people themselves. Today, we are going to discover significant lessons from Warren Buffett.

Warren Buffett is one of the richest men in the world for many years. He is the owner of the mega empire Berkshire Hathaway, with hundreds of subsidiaries. He also holds some shares in multinational companies such as American Express, Procter & Gamble, and The Coca-cola Company. It's not a surprise to ask, "What makes him very rich?" You'll be surprised.


1. He never stops selling.


He's already rich. He doesn't need to have a lot of money, but that isn't really the philosophy of Buffett. Selling is a core operation in any business, and he wants everyone—his staff and investors—to always remember that. That's why every year he doesn't send his people to a ritzy hotel and have good fun during the annual assembly. Instead, he invites them to a convention center, where all products and services offered by his company are sold and offered. In the process, he encourages all participants to buy or build their own shares. And it doesn't matter if he's selling insurance policies from Geico or boots or candies.


2. He has faith in himself.


He has the vision, the money, and the knowledge. He could have been one of the top guns of Wall Street. But he didn't. Rather than following the traditional investors' path, he went the other way, retreating to his good-old Omaha. A lot of people criticized his moves, but he had a huge amount of faith in himself that things would definitely work. Well, it definitely did.  


Since he grew up in Omaha, he knew the place very well. He didn't have to adjust to its culture. He knew how to attract the right kind of people for his company. Let's not forget that the cost of operating a business in the city is a whole lot cheaper than in the other cities all over the country.


3. He doesn't give a lot of importance of money.


Wealthy people give so much significance to how much they earn they forget to live their life to the fullest. It's not the same thing with Buffett. For him, the real measure of success is the number of people who you decide to love and love you back.


4. He's frugal.


Despite his millions, he still lives in his home for several years, which costs no more than a million dollars to maintain. Moreover, he sets aside a fixed income for himself—around a hundred thousand dollars every year.


Here's the good news, though. You can be a Warren Buffett. It's all about developing the same kind of attitude about finances and money. Subliminal messages can be helpful at this point. If you need a little boost of confidence, you can listen to affirmations that may contain these lines:


I can be rich like Warren Buffett.

I will practice frugality, faith, and passion in work.

I attract money with a right mind-set on money and finances.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!

The Greatest Lessons from Stephen Covey's 7 Habits for Highly Effective People

The Greatest Lessons from Stephen Covey's 7 Habits for Highly Effective People


Who doesn't know Stephen Covey? If you're an avid fan of self-help books, then you should have encountered his famous book: 7 Habits for Highly Effective People. It's so popular it became a best-seller for a number of weeks and was sold to several countries, earning millions of dollars for just a short amount of time.


But the success of the book doesn't really lie on the author, its publisher, or its marketing strategy. It is based on the content, the teachings you normally don't hear in your everyday life but so significant they help make you a better person.


Here are some of the biggest lessons you'll get from it:


1. You are in control of your life. What happens in your life is your own choice and your own doing. If you feel like others are putting you down, then it's because you allow them to have a great effect on you. By knowing that you're the captain of your own ship, you become more responsible and accountable for your own actions. You are more proactive on how you live your life. You're more careful in making decisions, knowing that a mistake can definitely break you.


2. Create a vision of your future. A lot of people say that you have to live in the present and relish today. But that should not stop you from imagining what your future is going to be like. Every person needs to have a dream, a purpose, or a goal. Otherwise, you simply live your life in order to survive. Without these dreams, you have no reason for living.


A lot of things can happen between today and tomorrow, so all you can do is just hope for the best. Nevertheless, you can use your vision to direct your path.


3. Learn how to prioritize. You cannot just do everything. That's a hard fact you have to learn to accept wholeheartedly. Needless to say, you can do something. You simply have to focus your energies on the things that truly matter. Stop sweating on the small stuff. Discover the freedom of saying no to things you know you cannot do. As to what should come first, it depends on you. However, go for those that make you a more productive and better person.


4. Cooperate. There are plenty of things you can do alone, but these are much easier and faster to accomplish if you work with a team. Besides, being in a team offers you a lot of benefits. You'll learn from the others, things that you believe would make your life more engaging and happier. You'll develop new insights and discover how you can actually influence other people's lives.


The Relationship of These Lessons to Affirmations


Though these lessons are the tenets to live by, they are much easier said than done. You'll sometimes find yourself at the crossroads, afraid of making a choice. You can't help pointing fingers on those who hurt you and who caused you to feel bad about yourself.


It is therefore helpful if you can complement these lessons with subliminal messages or affirmations. These powerful words can influence the way your mind thinks, giving you confidence and belief that you can stick to the lessons. They help heal very deep mental and emotional wounds as well as increase your passion to live life to the utmost.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!






Teach Your Kids How to Be More Independent

Teach Your Kids How to Be More Independent


As parents we want to protect our children as often as possible. We don't want them to be bullied, to be physically and emotionally hurt by somebody else, and we want to be part of their lives until they grow very old. However, it's also essential for children to be taught how to be independent, especially while they're young.


Independent children tend to make better decisions when they grow older. They are also more confident and more mature. They are more willing to take calculated risks and explore their own capacities and talents.


How do you teach your kids to be more independent? Here are some tips:


Let them engage in sports and other children's classes. Sports and classes such as ballet teach children more than just losing or winning, as well as injuring their knees and bodies. They also teach them how to be more disciplined, to get up when they make a mistake, as well as to work well with others. Many different schools these days have classes that are suitable to your children's ages. Look them up online or ask around within your area.


Allow them to sleep on their own. By the time they're already two years old, it's high time they sleep on their own beds. You want them to grow up not believing in monsters in the closets as well as to never be afraid of the dark. You can also teach them to run to you only when they cannot handle the fear anymore. Moreover, by having your children sleep in their respective rooms, you give more personal and even intimate time to your partner.


Set up some rules. If you want a blissful household, you need to establish some rules, and everyone, including the children, should learn to follow them. Besides instilling discipline, you are also helping your kids become more accountable with their own actions. You also teach them how to follow other kinds of rules, such as school laws.


Increase their level of self-confidence. Whenever you see them doing something all on their own, tell them they're doing great. Praise them when they deserve them. If you can, enrol them in self-defense classes, so they will be more confident to stand up against bullies in school.


Give them tasks to accomplish. Teach your child the meaning of work by giving him or her some tasks. For example, your kid may have to fix his or her bedroom before he or she goes out with friends. He or she may have to complete his or her school work before he or she watches some television or uses the computer.


Teach yourself to be less controlling. The common reason for having a spoiled child is an overly controlling parent. It's normal to worry, but that should not get out of hand. Use subliminal messages to remind you of that. The best affirmations to use include the following:


"I want to raise independent children."

"I want to see my kids succeed using their own strategies and will."

"I am a good parent. I am raising my children well. I don't have to worry a lot about them."    


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!

Stop Eating Out and Save More Money

Stop Eating Out and Save More Money


Do you love to eat out? Then you're one of the big spenders in the country. In a 2009 Consumer Expenditure Survey of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, an average American spends more than $5,000 on food alone. Around $225 every month is spent on dining out. For a regular wage earner that's a lot of money. It can already be used to pay off utilities or even credit card debts.


How do you control yourself from eating out? Here are great tips:


1. Pack food. If you have the tendency to feel hunger pangs at any time of the day then it's advisable that you pack some food with you. You can purchase microwavable containers, so you have the option to reheat the food. To whet your appetite, you can bring along some sauces, packed in a different container, something airtight to avoid spilling.


2. Prepare your meals. One of the reasons why you eat out is you don't have time to cook your food. What you can do then is to cook them beforehand. As to how early, it depends on you. You can determine the busiest days of the week. If a lot of work comes in during Monday, then you need to prepare your meals on a Saturday or a Sunday. If you really cannot find time during the entire weekday, then make sure you can spend at least a day coming up with your meals on a weekend. You just need to ensure that they are stored properly to avoid spoilage.


3. Improve your cooking skills. Cooking is actually a very engaging activity, especially if you know how to do it. By learning how to cook, you will be encouraged to prepare your own meals. You can enroll in short culinary courses offered by your community college. You can also watch some videos online or just purchase cookbooks and follow directions properly.


4. Dine with your loved ones. Here's another reason for dining out: you really don't want to feel alone. It feels so depressing to be sitting on a table and eating your meals all by yourself. So you go out where you can be with the other people, even with strangers.


Use mealtimes as an excuse to catch up on one another's lives. When you're terribly busy, you sometimes lose the time to ask how your kids are doing in school or what your spouse's plans are for the weekend. Togetherness can also be a huge motivator. You will be inspired to come up with delectable meals because you want them to be happy and feel full.


5. Believe that you can do it. Never entertain the thought that it would be too hard for you to achieve. If you feel like giving up, tap on the subliminal messages, which may contain affirmations like "I know I can do this" or "I can control how much I spend on food." When you feel the urge to dine out, stop and replay these messages over and over.



Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!






Spend More Productive Time by E-mailing Less

Spend More Productive Time by E-mailing Less


Do you know how much time you spend on checking your e-mails? Fifteen percent. For someone who's limited to around 8 to 12 hours of work a day, that means a lot. You could have used the extra time to complete projects and stop yourself from bringing home work. You can do your research or even take a break and relax.


If you wish to gain more productive hours, you should learn to cut back on your e-mailing sessions. Here are tips on how to do it:


1. Avoid e-mail notifications. A lot of people turn their e-mail notifications on to keep track of incoming e-mails. But that can be counterproductive. Once new mail arrives, you're tempted to check on it. It's best if you can just turn it off or avoid downloading it.


2. Schedule the best times to check your e-mails. When are the best times to check your e-mails? These are early in the morning and late in the afternoon, before you go home from work. You can spend at least 30 minutes reading and answering your e-mails in the morning, then fight the urge to not check it. Do the same thing in the afternoon.


3. Don't set the e-mail application in your mobile phone. It's helpful if you also avoid checking your e-mail through the mobile phone. If it's definitely urgent, the person is just going to call you or send you a text message. Besides, not all types of e-mails are readable in mobile phones.


4. Tell the others when to e-mail you. Let your clients, bosses, or even your colleagues know the best time to e-mail you. This way, you know when to expect their messages. In turn, they don't end up waiting for a lot of hours just to hear a reply at your end.


5. Set up priority inboxes. You can flag those e-mail from people you consider important, such as your business partners, manager, and department colleagues. You can set them up so they appear first or highlighted in your mailbox. You can then avoid reading e-mails that don't really mean too much on you as of the moment.


6. Limit your subscriptions. Subscriptions are some of the reasons why you have plenty of e-mails to read. They do take up a lot of your time. It's best if you can reduce your subscriptions today. If not, you can set up a different e-mail account just for them. You can read them during the weekend or when you're not busy.


7. Give more attention to things that really matter. In your line of work, which should be prioritized? Make sure that you remind yourself of them. Subliminal messages, meanwhile, may be helpful to overcome the challenge of constant e-mailing. Affirmations like "I should bring focus on more important things" or "I can control my e-mailing habits" can surely give you the confidence you need to believe that you can do it.


You can put up these affirmations in your cubicle or perhaps download confidence-building subliminal messages mp3s.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!

Sing Like The World Is Your Stage: How to Conquer the Fear

Sing Like The World Is Your Stage: How to Conquer the Fear


You could be one of those who love to sing. However, you freeze the moment you see a microphone or, worse, meet the audience. It's unfortunate since you seem to be missing out of the best methods of expression. Let's not forget that if you do have the talent in singing, it could have been your bread and butter and, if you like it, a ticket to stardom.


How do you really conquer your fear of singing?


1. Visualize yourself. You can start by picturing yourself doing it. In fact, you can take it one step further by simulating it. For example, you can grab a brush or anything that has a long handle. Then you stand in front of the mirror and start singing. The aim is to feel more confident about the idea of singing. By being able to see yourself in the mirror, you'll be more comfortable of using the microphone and humming out the tunes.


In the meantime, you can use subliminal messages to strengthen the effectiveness of your visualization. Before you sing something, you can tell your reflection, "I can definitely do this" or "I have the voice to sing a song." If you cannot come up with your own affirmations, you can download subliminal messages mp3s and videos online. You can listen or watch them, respectively, on your free time.


2. Clear your mind on other things. Like everything else, singing requires your entire heart and soul. That's why you need to remove anything that seems to be blocking your abilities or causing you to lose your focus. You can still use affirmations or subliminal messages with this one. Before you start to sing, you can say, "I am leaving all the other worries and negative thoughts behind" or "My entire focus right now is in the beats, rhythm, and my voice."


3. Practice. A lot of people developed their ability and love for singing by simply practicing. How many times you have to do so? It depends on you, but the more you practice, the better you will be. Singing practices don't have to last for several hours. At least fifteen minutes of your day can be allotted. Sing whatever it is you want to. The most important thing is you can get your voice out, sing along with the rhythm or tempo, and improve your talent.


4. Record your voice. You may not like singing because you really don't know how you sound. Here's a good tip then: record your voice. When you sing, make sure that you have a recorder ready. You can also use your headset, download instrumentals or midi files online, and sing along with them. Then once you're done, listen to the recording and make your own assessment. Do you sound good? What should be improved on?


5. Enjoy the opportunity to sing. Not everyone can afford to sing, so consider yourself lucky. Besides, if you cannot sing like Jennifer Hudson or Whitney Houston, you might as well enjoy the chance to do so.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!





Living a Fulfilling Life as a Widow

Living a Fulfilling Life as a Widow


Being a widow can be pretty scary, especially if you have children. Who's going to be there for you? How do you raise kids all on your own? Would you be able to live a good life now that your partner is gone?


Being a widow, however, doesn't mean the end of the world. You can still live a life that's full of love, support, and care. In fact, a lot of widows continue to live all by themselves, never remarrying at all.


How do others do it? Here are some ideas:

1. Don't focus on the past.


You cannot do anything with the past except perhaps learn from it or never forget the memories of your beloved. Instead, you focus your attention to the present and to the future. Plan on something great, something you can definitely look forward to and get you excited. Are you hoping to retire in a cabin by the lake? Would you like to see the world before you hit forty?


2. Spend more time with your loved ones.


There's no doubt that losing a beloved can be extremely painful. Nevertheless, you still have plenty of people who love you and are waiting for you to love them back. Why don't you spend more time with them? Perhaps it's time to get to know the activities of your kids and discover how you can participate. Go out with your friends, those you haven't seen for such a long time now.


3. Pursue your interests.


Perhaps there are some activities or things you stop pursuing when you got married. So you don' feel the loneliness a lot, it's a good time to get back to them. If not, you can look for other activities, especially those that you haven't tried before. You can enroll in dancing schools, take up a second course, practice cooking, or learn yoga.


4. Try to do things alone.


One of the things you would surely battle when you're a widow is the feeling of being alone. You feel abandoned or rejected. You have no one to hold on to when you are having some issues or challenges. However, you have to learn how to deal with being on your own. It's time to be more independent. You can begin by doing some things alone. It may be hard at first, but as long as you're willing to rise above it, you'll surely get used to it.


5. Think positive.


Never allow the negative thoughts to occupy your mind, or else, you'll only feel miserable about yourself or the situation you're in. Instead, entertain only positive thoughts. It would help you a great deal if you listen to subliminal messages. Every morning, listen to affirmations such as "I know I still have so much to live for," "Life doesn't end in death of a loved one," or "I welcome new changes in my life."


Today you'll find subliminal messages in mp3 forms, so you can save them in your mp3 player or iPod. You can hear them as often as you like.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!

Learn How to Have the Best Holiday in Puerto Rico

Learn How to Have the Best Holiday in Puerto Rico


The crystal-blue waters, warm sea breeze, Latin culture, food, and night life are just some of the many reasons why a holiday in Puerto Rico is memorable. Located very close to the Caribbean Sea, it boasts of a sunny climate, a lot of seafood treats, and a relaxed vacation spot to anyone.


You can also make the most out of your trip by doing the following:


Study the language. Though majority of the people know how to speak English, it is still fun to learn even the basics of Spanish, its native tongue. You can take crash courses in colleges, buy a dictionary, or find a friend who knows to speak the language fluently. You can use it to meet new friends, as well as for doing business in the country.


Consider getting around in a taxi. You can definitely ride the bus and other modes of transport in the country, but it is a lot safer if you simply hail for a cab. Unlike other countries, cab fares in Puerto Rico are very cheap, and you can also bargain with the driver. It is fast, convenient, and comfortable. Your accommodation may even arrange for a taxicab for you. If not, they are waiting just outside your hotel.


Enjoy the beaches. There are plenty of places to go to in Puerto Rico, but one should not dare miss the beaches. They are expansive, with powdery white sands. Of course, they possess very clear blue waters, perfect for variety of water activities including sailing, snorkeling, and swimming. You can spread a blanket, and nobody will disturb you.


Leave all the worries behind. There is no point in going on a holiday if you still tag along all your problems. You may be far from the hustle and bustle of the city, but you still do not achieve peace of mind.


Consider doing meditations while you are on your holiday. Before you go sightseeing, take a moment of solitude inside your room. Allow your negative thoughts to leave your mind. Instead, put some positive thoughts in there using subliminal messages or affirmations. You can say, "I am leaving all my worries behind" or "I have the power to prevent stress and problems from ruining my holiday." You can even listen to them and meditate while you are at the beach. The natural sounds of the rolling waves and the gentle winds would further soothe and relax you.


Join the big game fishing. Game fishing is one of the popular activities in the country, especially in Gran Canaria. Some of the fish you can catch are dorado, wahoo, white marlin, and yellowfin tuna. Plenty of travel agencies can arrange game fishing tours for you, which would already include use of equipment and lunch.


Explore the less-explored regions. There are still a number of places in Puerto Rico that are not usually visited, so they remain unspoiled and offer privacy. These include Mount Tejeda, which is an excellent spot for a jeep safari ride.


Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages!