Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video
Pleasurable Profits Subliminal Video

Friday, August 27, 2010

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With Respect,

Nelson Berry
Subliminal Video Messages


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beat Office Stress with Visualization Exercises

Beat Office Stress with Visualization Exercises


When you're working, it's expected you will experience some kind of stress. After all, you have plenty of sources: demanding boss, office politics, deadlines, revisions, projects, and a whole lot more. It becomes more severe when you're a family person, as you need to take care of your spouse and children after your time at the office.


However, a lot of people experience more negative stress than the others. More than 25 percent are experiencing physical signs, such as headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, appetite loss or gain, and loss of libido. Around 72 percent, meanwhile, develop mental issues such as anger, anxiety, depression, and energy loss. Some will also acquire sleeping disorders such as insomnia.


It's not surprising that a good number will develop bad working habits such as absenteeism. Others would just quit their jobs out of burnout.


It's very important for a person to learn to deal office stress the best way possible, one devoid of any medication or other conventional treatment. A very good method you may want to consider doing is visualization.

What is visualization? It's a process where you create images or scenarios in your mind. The purpose of these scenarios is to, first, address the problem; second, to determine the best course of action; and third, to improve quality of life by means of subliminal messages, which you can tap anytime.


How to Accomplish It


If you want to do visualization, here are some of the steps you need to take:


Find the best time to do it. Visualization doesn't have to happen at night or in the morning. Determine the best opportune moment. However, it's recommended you do so at a time when there's least noise or distractions, as this procedure requires your full concentration.


Determine the best position. You can lie down or sit on a chair. You can even stand and just close your eyes (this may work well for those who are used to the process). Make sure you're very comfortable. Any inconvenience can still be distracting.


Close your eyes and breathe in and out. You cannot visualize properly if your mind is very much crowded. Hence, you need to find a way to get rid of worries, including office duties. So close your eyes and take slow and very deep breaths. Feel the vibrations created by the breathing. That will hopefully bring you to the present moment.


Visualize and add subliminal messages. When you're fully relaxed and your mind is free, you can then start to visualize and feed subliminal messages, affirmations, or auto-suggestions into your subconscious. If you're starting out, this is a challenge. You may then need the support of materials such as mp3s you can now download online. You can just play the subliminal messages or add them to your iPod. Listen very carefully to the spoken words and allow the music or the sound that goes along with them to make you feel further relaxed.


To guarantee you can take full advantage of the benefits, do visualization exercises as regularly.


Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Video Online and Subliminal Messages Expert for More Than Two Decades! You Love The Way That YOUR Life *Flows* and LOVE the Feelings, Fun, Fortune and Happiness it gives YOU! YOUR Dreams Really Do Come True!! Click Here for a FREE Subliminal Messages Video Download ($39.95 Value) Right Now — Today! Try It:


Best Ways to Improve Yourself Every Day

Best Ways to Improve Yourself Every Day


There's no such thing as perfection, but that doesn't mean you can strive to be the best that you can be. It's such a waste if you can use only 10 percent of your brain when you can actually go more than that, as long as you know how do to it.


How to Achieve Self-improvement


The first thing you need to do is to decide what kind of improvement you're looking for: do you like to enhance your level of confidence? Would you want to improve your career or relationship with your loved ones or even a potential partner?


It's normal to seek improvement in all parts of your life. However, it's best if you can concentrate your efforts one at a time. So choose your main priority among them.


When you have already determined what aspect of your life you wish to develop more, you can the implement the following strategies:


Do meditation. Meditation is a very simple process that can unlock a heap of benefits to you. In fact, it's the ultimate secret of the happiest person in the world. It's also used by Buddhist monks, which allow them to achieve contentment and peace despite lacking a lot of material resources.


Meditation helps clear your mind from unnecessary thoughts through proper breathing exercises. It can also relax your muscles and nerves, as well as boost your immune system. It can also help secrete serotonin, which can create happier moods. You will be able to sleep well too.


Make use of subliminal messages. Subliminal messages are known as auto-suggestions. The subliminal messages are delivered straight to your subconscious mind, which is much deeper than the conscious mind. When you learn to tap them, it would be much easier for you to change your thought pattern. You can overpower your negative thoughts and emotions with something positive. They can also bring about a huge amount of motivation. Take a look at some samples of subliminal messages:


  • I am an excellent creation.
  • I have a beautiful life.
  • I have so much to live for.
  • I am surrounded by love and care.
  • I can be who I want myself to be.
  • I have the ability to meet and create my own destiny.


Perform visualization techniques. A lot of the blockages you experiences have very deep causes. For instance, your fear of meeting up new people may have sprung from your childhood memory when you have been rejected by neighborhood kids. Visualization allows you to go back in time, so you can understand what happened. It will then compel you to make some changes to the scenario, so you can discover that you actually have the ability to change the meaning of the experience to you. 


There's no such thing as obtaining the pinnacle of self-improvement. It will always remain to be a continuous process. Moreover, you cannot expect these strategies to work all the time. However, you should not despair and quit. Persevere and be patient.


Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Video Online and Subliminal Messages Expert for More Than Two Decades! You Love The Way That YOUR Life *Flows* and LOVE the Feelings, Fun, Fortune and Happiness it gives YOU! YOUR Dreams Really Do Come True!! Click Here for a FREE Subliminal Messages Video Download ($39.95 Value) Right Now — Today! Try It:


Conquer Shyness with Proper Visualization Techniques

Conquer Shyness with Proper Visualization Techniques


At one time or another, you will feel somewhat shy over something. For example, it will be difficult for an ordinary man to conquer his nerves and ask his crush for a date. You may also find yourself taking some time before warming up with someone. Simply put, being shy is a normal feeling.


It becomes a disadvantage if it stops you from accomplishing certain things. You cannot look for a job because you do not want to face your employer. You cannot meet the person to be with because you are anti-social. Worse, your shyness causes you to develop fear and insecurity. Your self-confidence is practically very low.

What are you going to do? You have to learn how to get past your shyness and develop a more open attitude. Of course, that will not happen overnight, but with the right visualization techniques, you can get rid of it the shortest time possible.


How to Develop Scenarios


In visualization, you make use of scenarios. The purpose of this is to give yourself a chance to conquer your shyness, at least starting from your subconscious mind. Because of this, the scenario should address the things that make you feel insecure.


Here is an example: You may be struggling with your weight, and your obesity is something you are not proud of. It is not your habit to go out with friends, especially when it is in clubs and bars.


In your visualization, though, it may play out like this: Imagine yourself wearing the sexiest dress you can ever wear. You can "borrow" a design you have seen in a local store. You check yourself in the mirror, and you see no one else but this beautiful gorgeous lady, with a very proportionate body. While looking yourself in the mirror, you relish what you see. You take in the beauty that beholds in front of you.


While you are visualizing, you add subliminal messages. The subliminal messages can work in changing the way you think about yourself more quickly. These are affirmations that can turn any negative emotion or thought to something positive. You can say the following:


  • I am beautiful.
  • I am gorgeous.
  • I am a confident person.
  • I make friends easily.
  • I am proud of the life I have.
  • I cherish every God-given gift and am willing to share it to everyone.


The subliminal messages can be repeated as many times as possible, while you are still visualizing.

When it is your first time to visualize, it is common to experience struggles. It is hard for you to focus. Sometimes the subliminal messages do not seem real or are phony. When you find yourself in these situations, you can utilize tools like mp3s. You can play them during visualization. The words will serve as your guide. They also come with music or songs that are meant to bring you peace of mind and calmness, so it is easier for you to visualize and be receptive to the subliminal messages.


Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Video Online and Subliminal Messages Expert for More Than Two Decades! You Love The Way That YOUR Life *Flows* and LOVE the Feelings, Fun, Fortune and Happiness it gives YOU! YOUR Dreams Really Do Come True!! Click Here for a FREE Subliminal Messages Video Download ($39.95 Value) Right Now — Today! Try It:

Coping with a Serious Illness through Meditation

Coping with a Serious Illness through Meditation


To be ill is one thing; to find out it's life threatening is another. Yet millions of people are dying every day as diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders start to take charge of their lives.


There's no doubt that being diagnosed with any serious illness can cause pain, trauma, depression, and anxiety. There's always the question of whether you will get to live tomorrow or be with your loved ones for special occasions. This is also the time when you feel so hopeless and helpless. A lot of people who are deathly sick give up or even commit suicide than to wait for their moment to eventually die.


What you should learn is how to cope with your illness the best way you can. After all, what really matters is not the length of time you spend here on earth but how you get to spend it. In this case, when you are gravely ill, what you hope for is quality of life, one that is free from pain and depression and more of acceptance and even hope.


You can try meditation.


How Meditation Helps Patients


Meditation is an ancient mental exercise. It has been practiced for centuries. Certain religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism put so much importance to meditation, and they can spend hours doing nothing else but that.


Meditating is more than just a mystic process. It offers a lot of benefits. If it wasn't so, the tradition would have not survived, and patients are some of the best people who can make the most out of it.


For one, meditation has the ability to clear and calm the mind. That means it can free you from worries and uncertainties. It also relaxes your body, mind, and soul, which is actually hard to achieve when something else is bothering you.


The process also provides quite a number of physical health benefits. It can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, making you less prone to heart attacks. It allows the proper flow of blood to different parts of the body. This means the cells can become nourished by the nutrients found in the blood. Meditation can boost the level of serotonin, which is a happy hormone. It improves your behavior and mood, as well as compels you to sleep well. Sleep is highly necessary for people who are sick. It also enhances the immune system.


Meditation works very well together with subliminal messages. Subliminal messages are often characterized as affirmations or auto suggestions. The main thrust of using subliminal messages is to change your present mind-set. Perhaps if you are currently in despair, meditation and the affirmations will change it to something of hope. For example,


  • I have the ability to rise above this physical ailment.
  • I am not defined by my disease.
  • There's always tomorrow to provide me with hope.
  • I am showered with a lot of love.
  • I have the ability to accept this ailment with grace and fortitude.


These subliminal messages are normally repeated during your meditation, allowing them to seep through your subconscious and form part of your new belief system.


Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Video Online and Subliminal Messages Expert for More Than Two Decades! You Love The Way That YOUR Life *Flows* and LOVE the Feelings, Fun, Fortune and Happiness it gives YOU! YOUR Dreams Really Do Come True!! Click Here for a FREE Subliminal Messages Video Download ($39.95 Value) Right Now — Today! Try It:



Get Rid of Porn Addiction Now

Get Rid of Porn Addiction Now


Porn addiction is on the rise, thanks to the different types of media, from television to the Internet. Based on statistics, there are millions of adults who are addicted to pornography, but only 10 percent of them will admit to it. Moreover, 7 percent of families believe porn is one of the primary causes for family troubles; and Internet, which is one of the biggest sources for pornographic materials, now leads to 66 percent of divorces in the country.


This kind of addiction, like any kind of abuse, is something that should be put to a stop. However, if you are addicted to it, you know that it's not going to be a very smooth road. There are a lot of hurdles you have to get through. Fortunately, help is always available. You can try the following tips:


Talk to friends and family. It would be more difficult for you to deal with porn addiction if you keep it to yourself. Thus, think about sharing your thoughts about it with a family member or friend. You don't have to talk to all of them. You can pick a couple whom you trust the most. You can also utilize them when you need people to keep track of your progress.


Get yourself busy. The more you expose yourself to the pornographic sources, the more it would be difficult for you to get rid of your addiction. In fact, it's a huge possibility the condition will only worsen.


One of the best ways to stay out of them is to get yourself busy. Engage in some sports. Spend more time outdoors. Interest yourself in a more wholesome hobby.


Disconnect. We are talking about distancing yourself from the sources. If your main source of porn addiction is the Internet, you may want to cut your subscription for a while. The same thing goes with the magazines. Stop hanging out with those who share the same addiction as yours, unless they have found a way to curb them on their own. In which case, they can be excellent mentors for you.


Do some hypnosis. This is one of the best steps you can take when you're trying to combat porn addiction. First, you don't have to use any type of medication. Second, you can skip going to therapists and counselors, as well as spend a lot of money for treatment. Third, you can learn to face your inner demons on your own. Getting rid of them yourself will be much more fulfilling. You will discover you have an incredible amount of strength to say no to addiction.


During hypnosis, you can embed subliminal messages into your subconscious. Subliminal messages are also known as auto-suggestions. They go past your conscious minds and are therefore out of your complete control. All you have to do is to tap them as often as you can, so you can start changing your thinking pattern.


Subliminal messages may include the following:


  • I can stop porn addiction.
  • I accept my addiction and know I can do something to end it.
  • I am a strong person.
  • I can stay away from the sources of pornography.
  • I can become a better individual.




Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Video Online and Subliminal Messages Expert for More Than Two Decades! You Love The Way That YOUR Life *Flows* and LOVE the Feelings, Fun, Fortune and Happiness it gives YOU! YOUR Dreams Really Do Come True!! Click Here for a FREE Subliminal Messages Video Download ($39.95 Value) Right Now — Today! Try It:


Getting Rid of Jealousy through NLP

Getting Rid of Jealousy through NLP


Is it normal to feel jealous? Yes, it is—once in a while. However, if it happens more frequently, worse, it destroys relationships and makes you lose your sense of confidence and causes depression and anxiety, then jealousy is going to pose such a huge problem. You want to make sure you can find the right solution to it.


NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, may be one of the effective means to deal with jealousy. NLP is a behavioral technology that deals with the language of the mind or how you perceive things. If you're able to practice NLP correctly, you will discover how it's easy for you to modify your thought patterns to allow you to achieve goals and settle issues, such as jealousy.


What You Can Do


A jealous person may feel angry or neglected if he or she sees a loved one getting cozy with somebody else. They try to treat the negative emotion by improving their level of self-confidence or by convincing themselves that there's really nothing to be jealous about.


But there's a huge problem with this kind of thinking. That's like managing something on the surface. Like addiction, jealousy will rear its ugly head sooner than you thought. Before you know it, you can feel it controlling you again.


NLP tries to go much deeper. It tries to address the main causes of jealousy. The next action will then depend on the causes that you can determine. For instance, you may not really know it but jealousy may have been caused by feeling abandoned while you were young. Perhaps your parents favor your siblings more than you. You may not be aware of it, but somewhere in your subconscious you are harboring ill feelings out of these memories.


When you have already determined the cause, you will then develop the best course of action to take. This may entail changing your behavior or attitude toward jealousy. At this point, you can make use of subliminal messages.


How do subliminal messages work? Subliminal messages may come in the form of affirmations or auto-suggestions. They go into your subconscious, a part of the mind that's free of logic or reason. When you need them, you simply have to tap them. Moreover, because they form part of the deep recesses of the mind, it's possible to make changes within yourself.


Subliminal messages to overcome jealousy may include the following:


  • I love myself.
  • I value my relationships.
  • I have a lot of gifts that I can truly be proud of.
  • I abhor and ignore jealousy.
  • I am completely secure with the relationship I have.
  • I trust my partner and am trustworthy.


It may take some time, but the subliminal messages can form part of your belief system. Subsequently, you can change your thinking pattern, turning something negative to something positive.


You don't get the results right away, but as long as you can apply subliminal messages and NLP in your life properly, you really don't have to wait too long.


Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Video Online and Subliminal Messages Expert for More Than Two Decades! You Love The Way That YOUR Life *Flows* and LOVE the Feelings, Fun, Fortune and Happiness it gives YOU! YOUR Dreams Really Do Come True!! Click Here for a FREE Subliminal Messages Video Download ($39.95 Value) Right Now — Today! Try It:










How to Keep Your Marriage Intact with Meditation

How to Keep Your Marriage Intact with Meditation


How difficult is it to keep a marriage? You simply need to look at the divorce statistics. Thousands of couples have decided to separate. Many countries are already making divorce legal. The number of single parents and children with absentee mothers and fathers is increasing.


Keeping a marriage is truly difficult. After all, you're dealing with another person whose personality may be completely different to yours. However, you would not be committed today if you aren't decided to at least give it your best shot.


Interestingly, there are many different ways on how to make sure your marriage can definitely last until death will do you apart. You can keep romanticism alive with regular dates or out-of-town trips. You may leave sweet messages to each other. You can also meditate.


How Meditation Can Improve Marriages


You may ask, "How can meditation improve a marriage condition?" Truthfully, you can count on several ways. First, meditation ensures you can have a clear mind all the time. This is very important as negative emotions can also bring about negative energies into the union. If you are constantly worried or uncertain about certain things, you will become very moody and frustrated. You tend to overlook the good things that could be happening right now in your marriage.


Meditation also makes you aware of things, accepting those that need acceptance. If you're having a hard time forgiving your spouse for a mistake he or she did, you may want to take some time off to meditate. Moreover, if you are unsure why you seem to be irritated by your spouse's presence, you can utilize the same process to get to the root cause of the issue. Perhaps it has something to do with your childhood. Coming to terms with it, facing it, and resolving the issue through meditation can get rid of the blockage and allow yourself to nurture the relationship more effectively.


Meditation also relaxes you. In general, marriage can be very stressful; and you don't want that because, again, it lets out the inner demons such as anger, indifference, and hate. The process of meditating and proper breathing allows the proper flow of blood all over the body and the decreased heart rate and blood pressure. Your muscles and nerves will feel more relaxed and comfortable.


Pairing Meditation with Subliminal Messages


You can also make use of meditation or perhaps make it even more efficient through subliminal messages. What are these? These are sentences or phrases that can assist you in changing your thought pattern. If you are thinking of giving up, the subliminal messages may tell you the opposite. Here are a few examples:


  • I love my husband (or wife).
  • I am looking forward to building a family with him.
  • I am loved and I am prepared to give away love.
  • I have the capacity to build a good marriage.


By using the subliminal messages and meditation, you can change the way you think about marriage: instead of becoming desperate, you will feel more hopeful and motivated.


Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Video Online and Subliminal Messages Expert for More Than Two Decades! You Love The Way That YOUR Life *Flows* and LOVE the Feelings, Fun, Fortune and Happiness it gives YOU! YOUR Dreams Really Do Come True!! Click Here for a FREE Subliminal Messages Video Download ($39.95 Value) Right Now — Today! Try It: